The Traveler is a trilogy of science fiction novels created by Mandelrot. It is narrated through independent episodes: each chapter is a world completely separate from the rest, although all together they form a great epic adventure.
The three books will be available in a few days as a single volume on Amazon to be shipped anywhere in the world, both in paper and ebook.
Kyro's story is much more than an adventure. Sent on a mission for which he is not prepared, he will leave his home forever and cross countless worlds where he will face new challenges at every step.
He will fight in hard battles, join a clan of hunters among snowy mountains, become the leader of a pack of wild animals in a tropical jungle, sail the sea surrounded by pirates, fly with magical artifacts among living islands that float in the air, be enslaved in a mine of rocks, will land in a strange orbital station where he will meet a being without a physical body who will define itself as an “artificial intelligence”, will cross the space and will be amazed by the wonders of the Cosmos. And more, so much more.
He will know love, friendship, pain, betrayal, loneliness and loss; he will leave behind riches and power, reject everything that others crave to move forward on his path; he will learn, mature and go from being the inexperienced young man who started this great journey to become the unstoppable soldier capable of sacrificing his life to fulfill his mission.